Sasha Kovic took on the Chair of St Andrew’s College Council in February 2022. She is the first female – and the youngest – Chair of College ever appointed.
An alumna of St Andrew’s College, Sasha graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) in 2010.
Sasha is an experienced Councillor and has served more than seven years on the St Andrew’s College Council where she was Chair of the Major Works Committee and a member of the Operations Committee. She led the formation of the College’s Young Alumni Committee in 2019 and has been a member of the St Andrew’s College Alumni Society Committee.
Sasha grew up on a property near Bungendore NSW and was educated at Canberra Girl’s Grammar School, before moving to Sydney for university. She was an active resident of St Andrew’s College from 2005 to 2008 and was one of the inaugural Sub-Deans in her final year. During her time at the College, she was the 2007 Rowing Captain and was also a member of the Rosebowl hockey and soccer teams.
Sasha has worked in the property industry for the last 14 years in construction management and property development. She has held roles at Multiplex, Richard Crookes Constructions, Frasers Property Australia and most recently at Roberts Co.
Sasha resides in Paddington with her fiancé and two cats, Aggie and Frida. In her downtime she enjoys travel, skiing, tennis and golf.
We recently caught up with Sasha to find out more about our new Chair.

What attracted you to St Andrew’s College as a student?
Not having grown up in Sydney, I was keen to reside on campus and build a network here. I had heard from my friend’s older siblings that St Andrew’s was a great option at Sydney Uni, and I wanted the co-residential experience. But honestly, the crests on the carpet in the Main Building sealed the deal for me!
What are your favourite memories of College?
The calendar was always jam packed full of sport, events and nights out and I somehow managed time to squeeze in some study. Chatting in the dining hall for 1.5 hours at lunch while enjoying multiple trips to the buffet seems like such a luxury now. Not only did I meet wonderful people at St Andrew’s College who are my lifelong friends, I also became great mates with many from the Intercol community in my senior years.
What changes have you observed in College since you were a student?
There are the tangible differences of new buildings and renovated rooms which is exciting to see, but it’s the high caliber of students that is the incredible change. As a Councillor, I’ve also seen the coming and going of traditions with each student cohort. Traditions seem to evolve and be made more enjoyable for all, which reflect the times we now live in.
You have already served College in many ways as a Councillor, on various Committees and the Alumni Society – what motivates you to do so?
I’m clearly passionate about the College and its future, but it’s the talent that we are helping to foster here which is very motivating. We have such impressive students who are well-rounded, intelligent and kind – they will go onto lead their communities – that’s exciting to help in the process.
What will be your main focus as Chair?
I am nostalgic of my time at College but as Chair I understand the importance of finding the balance between tradition and moving the College forward. We want to strive for continual improvement without losing the ‘x factor’ which so many alumni cherish and love. The College is a special place and we don’t want to become a sandstone hotel or generic University provided student accommodation.
My focus will be to provide access for a more diverse group of students especially from rural and regional Australia; improve the campus facilities via the Harper Master Plan; and expand our educational offering to create strong community leaders. I want St Andrew’s to be the best environment it can be for all our students, staff and alumni.
How does being the first female Chair affect your outlook?
I’m a reflection of what the College represents these days – I’m young, energetic, female and have a strong passion for St Andrew’s. But I’m very conscious that this Chair appointment is only possible due the courageous vision Council had back in 2001 to allow co-residency to occur. I thank Council at the time for this bravery and must acknowledge the strong student leadership demonstrated from the male residents which helped successfully integrate women into the College. These were definitely challenging times in the College’s history, but it helped make this institution the wonderful place it is today.
It’s also a nice coincidence that my appointment overlaps with 20 Years of Undergraduate Women at the College and I look forward to celebrating this milestone over the year.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I always love chatting to students, alumni, parents and friends of the College. Feel free to reach out with any ideas, innovations or concerns.
You can get in touch with Sasha by emailing