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Patrick Mahony, Social Secretary 2022

“Whether this be the roar of the crowd at the rugby final, the applause after a musician finishes their piece, or the banter across the dining table, all Androvians are truly part of a family”

Meet Patrick Mahony (Fr 2020), the Social Secretary of the 2022 House Committee. Born in Sydney, Patrick moved to Perth in 2007 and grew up there. He went to Christ Church Grammar School, and is now studying a Bachelor of Commerce with Advanced Studies at USYD.

What are you most looking forward to in 2022 at College?

2022 is shaping up to be an enormous year for the College, as we rebound from the COVID pandemic. I think I’m most excited to work with the College community to forge traditions, values and a culture that reflects, celebrates and champions every member of our community.

What do you hope to achieve in your new role?

As a member of House Committee, in the position of Social Secretary, I want to create a vibrant, inclusive and, most importantly, fun social atmosphere at Drew’s. 2022 will (hopefully) see further relaxation of COVID restrictions, allowing a huge scope of College events to proceed, more than we’ve seen over the last 2 years. I want social events, whether it be welcoming the oncoming fresher cohort, supporting our Rosebowl, Rawson and Palladian campaigns, celebrating with our mums and dads or catching up with friends at the Highland Bar to be the foundation of the lifelong friendships built at St Andrew’s. I’ll do so by closely working with student event organisers to ensure every event run at St Andrew’s is safe, inclusive and fun.

Do you think the celebration of 20 Years of Undergraduate Women at St Andrew’s will affect your leadership?

The celebration of 20 Years of Undergraduate Women at Drew’s will certainly affect my leadership. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by female role models, who have shaped the way I conduct myself. Drew’s is very lucky this year to be led by an all-female exec team, a testament to the progress we’ve made since women were first welcomed into the Bailey gates in 2002. I’m very much looking forward to working with Lis, Pam and Hannah, in addition to the House Committee to contribute to the continued championing of women at Drew’s.

What made you choose St Andrew’s?

Coming from Perth, I wanted to live in a community that championed every one of its members, celebrated success in all fields, provided personal development opportunities and recognised and resonated with the experience of being a young adult. There is no college in Australia that does this like St Andrew’s. From here, the choice was clear.

What other extra-curricular activities have you taken part in at College?

I’ve been lucky to be involved in a broad range of activities at College, which have granted me the privilege of connecting with a diverse group of excellent people. I’ve been involving in debating, rowing, rugby league, Androvation (St Andrew’s weekend start-up incubator program), the Investment Club, the St Andrew’s drama production and the College’s B-Lane swim team.

How has St Andrew’s helped you toward achieving your goals?

St Andrew’s has set the foundation for me to excel both academically and personally. The incredibly strong academic program has ensured that I’m never left with an unanswered question, with tutors constantly challenging me to extend myself. Drew’s has also given me huge opportunity for personal growth, placing a huge deal of responsibility in the hands of its students. The opportunity to be around so many excellent people has hugely enhanced my own growth.

What’s the best thing about College?

The best thing about College is certainly the people that constitute it. Every single person at Drew’s is committed to the success and wellbeing of each other, which is a wonderful environment to be shaped in as a young adult. Whether this be the roar of the crowd at the rugby final, the applause after a musician finishes their piece, or the banter across the dining table, all Androvians are truly part of a family.

Do you have advice for 2022 freshers?

For the 2022 freshers, I ask three things. The first: to try everything. There is a wealth of opportunities available to you, that will expose you to so many fantastic people. The second: to sit on a different table, with different people each meal, especially early on. There are 400 excellent people to meet, so it would be remiss of you to not share a meal and get to know each of them. The third: lean into the experience of people who have walked in your shoes – St Andrew’s provides you with a tight knit community of people who have excelled in every area. Wherever you want to go – there is likely an Androvian who has walked the path you’re on. You should endeavour to meet and learn from second and third years, who will always be very happy to help.