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Onor Nottle, USYD SRC Rep 2022

Meet Onor Nottle (Fr 2020), who has been voted on to the University of Sydney Students’ Representative Council (USYD SRC) for 2022. Onor, who comes from rural South Australia, is studying a Bachelor of Arts/Law, majoring in Politics. She is a recipient of the St Andrew’s College Scholars Award and the Daylell Scholarship at the University of Sydney. We caught up with Onor to find out more.

Why did you apply to become a SRC Rep?
Moving interstate to study, the University of Sydney necessarily became a second home to me. Through university, I’ve met some incredible people and have had the opportunity to pursue unmatched educational opportunities. As such, I was invigorated by the prospect of giving back to the university and student cohort through the SRC.

I am passionate about creating a university space and experience that caters for all students in the best way possible.

What do you hope to achieve in your new role?
I am committed to student representation which is progressive, inclusive and intersectional – ensuring no student is left behind. I have a lot I hope to achieve and support in 2022. This includes, amongst other things:

  • Opposing cuts to tertiary education and fee hikes
  • Committing to increased welfare campaigns for struggling students
  • Creating a safer campus by fighting to dismantle sexual assault culture
  • Supporting international students in their return to campus
  • Increasing disability services and advocacy
  • Promoting environmentalism at all levels

How did you find the election process?
I have been involved in an election process before with the University of Sydney Law Society, and so luckily knew what to expect for the SRC elections. Although campaigning is exhausting, it was made worth it by the inspiration I gained interacting with so many students and fellow councillors who are so passionate about making a difference.

What activities have you taken part in at College?
Dramsoc 2020, Palladian Group Drama 2020, Palladian Debating 2020 and Palladian Debating Sec/Captain 2021.

What made you choose St Andrew’s?
Moving interstate and having no family or friends in Sydney, I really was looking for somewhere to stay that would allow me to make meaningful connections and get the most out of moving; ultimately a second home. After speaking with various Androvians, it became clear that Drew’s was the college that possessed the culture to provide this.

Has St Andrew’s supported you to achieve your goals?
Drew’s has supported me immeasurably to achieve my goals. Most explicitly, my scholarship from Drew’s allows me to live in Sydney and attend the University of Sydney, studying my dream degree. Beyond this, Drew’s has enabled the making of both personal and professional connections which have provided me with support and job opportunities. At Drew’s I have been able to explore and learn about different career pathways and topics I’m interested in through various talks / presentations, which has widened my world perspective. Through things like the tutoring program and debating, I have also been able to improve and harness my educational skills and outcomes.

What’s the best thing about College?
I think the best thing about College is definitely the people you meet. I feel so privileged that after only a year and a half in Sydney, I have so many amazing friends who continually support, inspire and challenge me. Some people never find that in a lifetime.