Earlier in May, we welcomed some of our biggest supporters – our Highlanders – back to the College for the second Annual Highlander Club Evening.
The Highlander Club was established in 2019 to recognise those members of our community who have made significant contributions to our current philanthropic campaign to Enable Access to Andrew’s.
This year the event took shape as a premium wine and cheese night in the setting of our beautiful Main Library. Taylors’ Wines were served and our own Catering Team served up an incredible grazing table. The College’s boys’ choir, the Blue Birds, performed and the Principal and Chair of Council thanked the Highlanders for their generosity and support of the College and most importantly, its students.
Principal Wayne Erickson said:
“All of us at St Andrew’s College recognise and appreciate the support given by members of our enduring community. The support of the Highlander Club enables us to give access to deserving students who would otherwise not have the means to come to College. In addition, through their generosity we are able to provide current students and those to come in future years, with world class facilities and programs.”
It was a wonderful evening of conversation and connection and we are looking forward to hosting next year’s event already!
Find out more about the Campaign to Enable Access to Andrew’s and the Highlander Club here: https://www.standrewscollege.edu.au/alumni-community/support-st-andrews/
See photos from the night by Fancy Boy Photography here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=StAndrewsCollegeSydney&set=a.400284802113143