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Join the Highlander Club

Established in 2019, the Highlander Club recognises recent significant contributions to St Andrew’s College and its Foundation.
The Purpose of the Highlander Club:
– Recognise and acknowledge those who are active and passionate supporters of the College and College Foundation
– Be engaged with the College alongside other likeminded people
– Encourage members of our community to make a significant gift to a cause they support over time
– Encourage and support a wider culture of philanthropy in our community
– Increase the total philanthropic funds available to the College and its students to allow increased access to scholarships, facilities and programs
Our long-term goal is to welcome 1,000 Highlanders to secure the College for our future students.
Becoming a Highlander:
All alumni, parents and friends of St Andrew’s College are eligible to become members of the Highlander Club by pledging a new significant gift to support any of our current philanthropic initiatives.
You can choose which area you wish to support with your gift e.g. a Scholarship Fund, the Main Building Bedroom and JCR Refurbishment, the Academic Programs Fund or multiple areas.
Thanking Our Highlanders
We appropriately acknowledge and thank all our Highlanders for their significant contribution towards the College and its students in a number of ways.
For more information on joining the Highlander Club and current College projects and initiatives you could support, please contact the Director of Advancement, Hannah Atwell via T: 61 2 9565 7303 or E: