
Council is responsible under the Act for the control and direction of the affairs of the College, including the employment of staff, setting of fees payable by residents, allocation of educational assistance including an extensive scholarship program and any other function of a governance nature.

2023 St Andrew's College Council

Front Row Left to Right: Leesa Ronald (now retired from Council), Ian Smith, Sasha James, Rob Leach (former Principal), Amanda Mostyn (now retired from Council).

Back Row Left to Right: Stuart Niven, Rev Rosalie Clarke MacLarty, Rev Tom Wall, Jeremy Hoffmann, Katherine Stanton, The Hon Justice Ian Jackman (now retired from Council).

Council members:

Sasha James, Chair of Council

Dr Daniel Tyler, Principal

Rev. Dr. Rosalie Clarke MacLarty

Kate Harper

Jeremy Hoffmann

Stuart Niven

Katherine Stanton

Rev. Thomas Wall

Rev. Christopher Waterhouse

Walter MacCallum

Munraj Dhaliwal

Alison Treloar

Ian Smith, Secretary to Council