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Capital Works
The Harper Master Plan
The College Council’s strategic Capital Works Plan comprises a series of projects to develop, upgrade and improve buildings, accommodation and shared spaces on campus. To date, with the generous support of our community, we have completed the new Thyne Reid Link Building, Kitchen Development, Reid Refurbishment and outdoor Public Art Project.
In 2023, we embarked on a significant and much-needed series of upgrades to the Main Building. The College’s oldest building holds a special place in our heritage, which calls for an architectural design that embraces its rich history while providing the modern comfort expected by its current occupants. Within this are two major priorities; The Junior Common Room Upgrade and the Main Building Bedroom Refurbishment projects.

Junior Common Room (JCR) Upgrade
A vibrant and purposeful common room is essential to the student experience at a residential college.
The Major Works Committee, in collaboration with the Students’ Club, have completed a feasibility study and is currently determining the scope, operational requirements and estimated timeline of the project.
Depending on required building approvals, the renovations are forecast to be completed by the summer of 2024. Works will involve creating new bathrooms, kitchen facilities, comfortable café and dining areas, an outdoor bar, outdoor and indoor seating, enhanced accessibility and flooring, and additional lounge, study and recreation areas.
With your help, we can create a welcoming hub that is at the heart of our college. It will not only be a space for our students; it will also be a place our alumni and parent community can enjoy and feel welcome.
This project is a major priority for the College, and we are very excited to report on its progress as it unfolds. You can contribute by making a donation, buying a piece of the Highlander Bar in the form of a limited edition coaster set, or purchasing a JCR Honour Medallion. Every gift, big or small, will help make this dream a reality. Read on for more information about the project and how you can show your support.

What the Junior Common Room Upgrade will include
- Creating comfortable, multipurpose areas with versatile seating options to support everything from individual study and recreational activities to hosting meetings and large scale events;
- Installing a convenient cafe for our community to use during the daytime, 7 days a week, which can convert into a bar for different events throughout the year;
- Creating an area for students to enjoy a late-night meal in comfort, as well as providing a haven on campus for our non res students;
- Bringing the courtyard atmosphere to life with improved lighting, functional outdoor table settings and benches, an improved service area, and level paving;
- Building more male, female and new, accessible bathrooms;
- Creating new food prep facilities and additional storage space;
- Installing contemporary lighting, audiovisual equipment and air-conditioning, which will also be used for cooling and heating the Dining Hall above.

The JCR Upgrade is a project for the whole St Andrew’s community, and we welcome your involvement! Of course, there are many ways to give your support and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your interest and options. To do so, please contact Hannah Atwell, Director of Advancement via:
T: 02 9565 7303 / M: 0434 728 720
FAQs –
The estimated construction costs are in excess of $4M. The College will need to raise this by the end of 2024 to begin construction this summer. We have raised $1,300,000 to date.
Donor funds will be allocated to the construction costs of the JCR, including expenses for the fit-out of café and kitchen equipment, seating, flooring and renovations.
The timing of the renovations is subject to planning approval. The intended timeline is to commence building in November 2024 with completion in mid March 2025.
The College may have ongoing fundraising needs, such as maintenance, operations and future expansion projects into the landscaped garden area entrance to Missenden Road. Donors may be interested in exploring how their support can contribute to these future projects.
Donations to the St Andrew’s College Junior Common Room Fund are fully tax-deductible. The College will provide a tax receipt for all donations.
Donors will be able to see the impact of their donations and will be invited to visit the new Junior Common Room upon completion. The College plans to host several tours, visits, a demolition party and a grand opening event to showcase the new JCR facilities to donors and the community.
You may give any amount, and all donations will be gratefully received.
You could choose to support the JCR Upgrade and be part of our legacy with a personalized JCR Honour Medallion. Bronze, silver, and gold medallions are available, each engraved with your name or the name of your family, year group, or fresher year. Find out more information by contacting the Director of Advancement via 02 9565 7303 or
All donors may or may not be interested in public recognition for their contributions. The College will recognise and acknowledge all gifts in our Annual Philanthropy Report. Donors will also be invited to the College’s special events for Benefactors. This project offers several naming and recognition opportunities for gifts of different amounts. We welcome you to contact the Director of Advancement for more information.
Donors can make pledges and may prefer to spread a large donation in instalments over a number of years. For example, a gift of $100,000, can be made in five yearly instalments of $20,000. The College’s Advancement Office can arrange a gift instalment plan and annual reminders.
It’s very easy to make a gift in support of the JCR Upgrade!
- Call us on +61 2 9565 7303 to have a chat and make a credit card donation
- Download our GIVING FORM and send it along with your cheque or credit card details
- Click HERE to make a donation via our online portal
Every gift made, no matter how large or small, has a direct impact on our current and future students.
All donations made to St Andrew’s College are tax-deductible.
Main Building Bedroom Refurbishment

Over the summer of 2023/24, the College successfully renovated all 90 heritage bedrooms in the Main Building, bringing them in line with the high calibre of the rest of the bedrooms across the College and providing all students with modern amenities.

Each room has been fitted with new desk and bed furnishings, clever storage provisions, improved lighting, modern power outlets, underfloor heating, ceiling fans, and finished in a colour scheme complementary to the building’s heritage design. Rooms that featured fireplaces have had these restored (although they are decorative rather than functional).

We are grateful for the enthusiastic support we received from our community, such as that from alumnus Dr Denis Gordon OAM (Fr 1954), who said:
“The Main Building is beautiful and holds many fond memories for me, as I’m sure it does for so many others. In my years at College this lovely main building was the preferred place to live. I sincerely hope that generations of students to come will have the most wonderful time living there, as I did.” Dr Denis Gordon OAM (Fr 1954)

Naming Opportunities
This exciting project still offers the opportunity to have a room named in recognition of your gift and donor wall recognition opportunities. There are tailored options to suit your giving preferences, including pledging your support over multiple years. For more information and to discuss these options, contact Director of Advancement, Hannah Atwell, via: T: 61 2 9565 7303 M: 0434 728 720 or E: